What is SLICZ?

3 supplements to be taken at specific times during your round to enhance energy and focus.

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Big box

We've made it as simple as possible for you, receive the big box mailer through your letter box. Inside the big box will be 4 x SLICZ mini boxes.

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Small box

In each of your 4 x mini packs you will find the 3 signature products designed to make you feel great again. The small box can either fit into your pocket or the zip pocket on your golf bag.

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Feel the benefits

The mini pack will also have instructions for you to learn how and when to take SLICZ for maximum benefit. Get ready to experience more energy and focus than ever. Our theory, the better you feel, the better you play.

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  • Power

    • Shot distances
    • Tough rough lies
    • Wind exposure

    Above are a few examples of how with more power you will be able to potentially hit shots you may not have previously been capable of.

  • Energy

    • Course length
    • Round duration
    • Positive mentality

    With more energy you can overcome circumstances which would previously cause fatigue and end up negatively effecting your game.

  • Hydration

    • Consuming water
    • Top up of minerals
    • Essential vitamins

    When your body charges up on nutrients its been missing, the positive mental and physical impact this can have on performance is powerful.

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SLICZ ingredients and formulas have been tested by some of the best athletes in the world. We cannot wait for you to feel the benefits. How did SLICZ make you feel? @sliczgolf

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